Synths und Effekte
Fangen wir mal mit den Sounds an, die wir aus den Synths und den zugehörigen Effekten zusammensetzen.
Für den Klaviersound benutzen wir natürlich
use_synth :piano
und fügen noch einen Halleffekt dazu. Das ganze packen wir in die Funktion
Mit einer Schleife testen wir den Sound über mehrere Oktaven.
# Piano Sound
# Hans Gruendel
# 18.08.2015
define :play_piano do |iTone|
with_fx(:reverb, damp: 0.8, room: 0.3) do
use_synth :piano
play iTone
10. times do |iTone|
play_piano iTone*4 + 40
sleep 1
Code 29. Piano Sound
For the Bass sound we use
use_synth :fm
# Bass Sound
# Hans Gruendel
# 18.08.2015
define :play_bass do |iTone|
use_synth :fm
play iTone, attack: 0.05, release: 0.2, sustain: 0.3
5. times do |iTone|
play_bass iTone*2 + 50
sleep 1
Code 30. Bass sound
Da ein Schlagzeug normalerweise keine unterschiedlich hohen Töne auf dem gleichen Instrument spielen kann, werden wir keinen Synth-Sound benutzen, sondern fertige Samples. Um ein Sample zu spielen, wird der Befehl
verwendet, gefolgt von dem Namen des zu spielenden Samples.
# Drum Sound
# Hans Gruendel
# 18.08.2015
define :drums1 do
sample :drum_heavy_kick
sleep 1
sample :drum_cymbal_closed
sleep 1
sample :drum_bass_soft
sleep 1
sample :drum_cymbal_closed
sleep 1
sample :drum_heavy_kick
sample :drum_bass_soft
sleep 1
sample :drum_cymbal_closed
sleep 1
sample :drum_bass_soft
sleep 1
sample :drum_cymbal_closed
sleep 1
2. times do
Code 31. Drum Sounds
Wenn wir alle Sounds fertig haben, würden wir diese unserem Abnehmer des Songs erst einmal vorspielen. Wenn der die Sounds abnickt, machen wir uns an die Akkorde.
Die Akkorde sind im Prinzip beliebig ausgewählt. Ihr könnt Euch natürlich auch eigene aussuchen. Eigentlich werden hier auch keine ganzen Akkorde definiert, sondern nur die Grundtöne. Sonic Pi erzeugt dann selbst die Akkorde.
# Chords
# Hans Gruendel
# 18.08.2015
C_Basis = [60, 72, 84]
F_Basis = [65, 77, 89]
G_Basis = [67, 79, 91]
# List to choose from or to run through
basicTonesOrdered = [C_Basis, F_Basis, G_Basis, C_Basis]
A_Basis = [57, 69, 81]
D_Basis = [62, 74, 86]
# List to choose from or to run through
bridgeTonesOrdered = [A_Basis, D_Basis]
Code 32. Akkorde
Die Melodie beruht auf Zufallssteuerung. Die entscheidende Zeile sieht so aus:
play choose(chord(choose(iChordBase), :major))
Code 33. Zufallsteuerung
Das sind 2 „choose“-Befehle hintereinander geschaltet. Falls IChordBase gleich null ist und damit auf die erste Akkordbasis zeigt, sucht „choose([60, 72, 84])“ einen Grundton zufallsgesteuert aus. Auf diesem Ton wird dann der Akkord gebildet, in diesem Fall ein Dur-Akkord und von den Tönen des Akkords wird wiederum einer ausgesucht und gespielt. Insgesamt existieren damit 3×3=9 Möglichkeiten für einen Ton.
Die Struktur des Codes besteht aus 4 Teilen.
1. Zuerst werden die Akkorde und die „sleep“-Listen definiert. Eine „sleep“-Liste ist eine Liste mit Zahlen, mit denen die Pausenzeiten zwischen 2 Tönen definiert sind.
2. Dann folgen die Funktionen, die die Tönen spielen: Klavier, Bass und Drums.
3. Die Funktionen werden in Threads aufgerufen, die teils parallel und teils hintereinander starten.
4. Der Aufruf der Threads passiert über „cue“-Befehle
# Random Song
# Hans Gruendel
# 19.05.2016
# Definition of the chord basis used for bass and piano
C_Basis = [60, 72, 84]
F_Basis = [65, 77, 89]
G_Basis = [67, 79, 91]
# List to choose from or to run through
basicTonesOrdered = [C_Basis, F_Basis, G_Basis, C_Basis]
A_Basis = [57, 69, 81]
D_Basis = [62, 74, 86]
# List to choose from or to run through
bridgeTonesOrdered = [A_Basis, D_Basis]
# Sleep duration lists. „0“ means 2 notes are played at the same time
sleepShort = [0, 0, 0.125, 0.125, 0.25, 0.25, 0.375]
sleepMid = [0, 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
sleepLong = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.75, 1, 2]
sleepExtraLong = [0, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2]
sleepXXL = [0.25, 0.5, 4, 6, 8, 12]
sleepRegular = [0.25, 0.5]
# Function plays drums in a loop using a sleep list
define :play_drums do |
amplification = 1, # Amplification factor
n = 64, # Number of iterations in the loop –> duration the functions runs
sleepList = [0, 1] # List to choose the duration of sleep from.
n.times do
sound = choose([:drum_bass_soft, :drum_heavy_kick]) # The sound is chosen randomly
sample sound, amp: rrand(0.5, 1)* amplification
sleep choose(sleepList)
sound = choose([:drum_cymbal_closed, :drum_cymbal_open])
sample sound, amp: rrand(0.5, 1)* amplification*0.2 # The second „cymbol“ sound is played less loud than the first
sleep choose(sleepList)
# Function plays bass in a loop using a sleep list
define :play_bass do |
iChordBase = [60, 72, 84],
amplification = 1, # Amplification factor
n = 64, # Number of iterations in the loop –> duration the functions runs
sleepList = [0, 1], # List to choose the duration of sleep from
shift =16 # Shift the tone downwards by this MIDI value
use_synth :fm
n.times do
play choose(chord(choose(iChordBase), :major))- shift, amp: amplification, attack: 0.05, release: 0.125, sustain: 0.025, amp: amplification
sleep choose(sleepList)
# Function plays piano in 2 loops using a sleep list
define :play_piano_loop do|
allChordBase, # A list of a list of bases to loop through
amplification = 1, # Amplification factor
n = 64, # Number of iterations in the loop –> duration the functions runs
sleepList = [0, 1], # List to choose the duration of sleep from
shift = 16, # Shift the tone downwards by this MIDI value
key = Major # Can be one of Sonic Pi’s keys, e.g. Major or Minor
use_synth :piano
8. times do |iX| # outer loop
n.times do
play choose(chord(choose(allChordBase.ring[iX]), key))- shift, amp: amplification # The chord base list is doe into a ring to use it more often
sleep choose(sleepList)
# Function plays piano in a loop using a sleep list
define :play_piano do |
iChordBase = [60, 72, 84],
amplification = 1, # amplification factor
n = 64, # number of iterations in the loop –> duration the functions runs
sleepList = [0, 1], # List to choose the duration of sleep from
shift =16 # Shift the tone downwards by this MIDI value
use_synth :piano
n.times do
play choose(chord(choose(iChordBase), :major))- shift, amp: amplification
sleep choose(sleepList)
# Function plays piano in a loop using a sleep list and an echo effect
define :play_piano_echo do |
iChordBase = [60, 72, 84],
amplification = 1, # amplification factor
n = 64, # number of iterations in the loop –> duration the functions runs
sleepList = [0, 1], # List to choose the duration of sleep from
shift =16 # Shift the tone downwards by this MIDI value
use_synth :piano
use_random_seed 1
5.times do |ix|
n.times do
with_fx :echo, max_phase: 4 do
play choose(chord(choose(iChordBase), :major))- shift, amp: amplification + ix * 0.2
sleep choose(sleepList)
# Thread runs the intro track
in_thread(name: :S01) do
sync :t0
play_piano_echo basicTonesOrdered[0], 0.3, 200/35, sleepLong, 36
# Thread runs the first piano track right hand
in_thread(name: :S11) do
sync :t1
play_piano basicTonesOrdered[0], 1, 100/1.5, sleepShort, 0
# Thread runs the first piano track left hand (shift = 24)
in_thread(name: :S12) do
sync :t1
play_piano basicTonesOrdered[0], 1, 100/4, sleepLong, 24
# Thread runs the second piano track right hand (shift = 12)
in_thread(name: :S21) do
sync :t2
play_piano basicTonesOrdered[1], 1, 200/1.5, sleepShort, 12
# Thread runs the second piano track left hand (shift = 24)
in_thread(name: :S22) do
sync :t2
play_piano basicTonesOrdered[1], 1, 200/4, sleepLong, 24
# Thread runs the related bass track
in_thread(name: :S23) do
sync :t2
play_bass basicTonesOrdered[1], 0.25, 200/2, sleepRegular, 36
# Thread runs the related drums track
in_thread(name: :S24) do
sync :t2
play_drums 1, 200/3.5, sleepRegular
# Thread runs the third track looping through all chords
in_thread(name: :S31) do
sync :t3
play_piano_loop bridgeTonesOrdered, 1, 200/10, sleepShort, 24, :major
# Thread runs the related drum track
in_thread(name: :S32) do
sync :t3
play_drums 0.5, 200/3.5, sleepRegular
# Thread runs the last piano track right hand (shift = 12)
in_thread(name: :S41) do
sync :t4
4.times do
play_piano_loop basicTonesOrdered, 1, 400/10, sleepShort, 12, :major
# Thread runs the last piano track left hand (shift = 36)
in_thread(name: :S42) do
sync :t4
4.times do
play_piano_loop basicTonesOrdered, 1, 400/10, sleepShort, 36, :major
# Thread runs the related bass track
in_thread(name: :S43) do
sync :t4
4.times do
play_bass basicTonesOrdered[0], 0.25, 400/1.2, sleepShort, 36
# Thread runs the related drum track
in_thread(name: :S44) do
sync :t4
4.times do
play_drums 0.5, 400/6, sleepRegular
# main loop starts here. It cues the threads and sleeps while they are running
#cue :t0
#sleep 15
#cue :t1
#sleep 11
#cue :t2
#sleep 11*2
#cue :t3
#sleep 24
cue :t4
sleep 9.5*2
Code 34. Der komplette Song